
...die tagtäglichen Entdeckungen, Cafés, Shops oder Spaceinvaders in Wien, aber auch sonst wo... ...my daily discoveries, Cafés, Shops or Spaceinvaders in Vienna, but also elswhere... AND NOW katmakes - DIY in progress and successes...


Mein Name ist Katharina Tanzberger, ich lebe in Wien und habe Architektur studiert.
Neben meiner Arbeit in verschiedenen Architekturbüros möchte ich auch über anderes schreiben, so zum Beispiel die verschiedenen Cafés die ich auf meinen Spaziergängen durch die Stadt finde, oder wo man in Wien norwegischen Ziegenkäse bekommt oder ungewöhnliche echt wienerische Souvenirs finden kann.

Auch wenn ich Wienerin bin und hier lebe ist mein Leben immer internationaler geworden, ich habe viele Freunde mit denen ich auf englisch spreche, habe ein zeit lang in Oslo studiert und habe schon vor vielen Jahren Esperanto gelernt...
Dieser Blog wird deshalb auch manchmal Einträge auf englisch oder gar Esperanto haben, die nicht notwendiger weise in die anderen Sprachen übersetzt werden.
Schön, dass Ihr meinen Blog besucht und bitte hinterlasst mir auch Kommentare, das Leben ist doch vor allem Kommunikation, odr?!

Ihr könnt mich auch über Flickr oder twitter erreichen!

Filtering by Tag: memademay13

MMM13 - Textil Müller

now its really the last day of may!

this morning i realized its still may, wonder o wonder. I did not manage to put on something memade though, but instead i will post one of the secret or not so secret tips on getting affordable fabric in Vienna:

Textil Müller

Textil Müller @KarmelitermarktThe main store is in Kritzendorf, a bit outside the city, but they have a smaller store next to the Karmelitermarkt in the second district. This is not your typical fabric store, its more like the second hand store of fabrics, rather chaotic and unpredictable regarding the selection. Looking for something special can be a challenge here but you are sure to find something you hadn't been looking for.
Their prices are crazy cheap and they even sell notions, like zippers or buttons.

Textil MüllerI also recommend a trip to the Kritzendorf store just for the sheer fun and level of adventure it involves!

Have fun shopping!




Ach ja, heute war also der wirklich letzte Tag im Mai..

Keine Ahnung, warum ich gestern dachte es beginnt schon der Juni... Deshalb hab ich heute auch in Sachen MeMadeMay13 versagt, aber als Ersatz gibts jetzt einen geheimen oder nicht so geheimen Tip zum Stoffe kaufen in Wien:

Textil Müller

Das Hauptgeschäft is in Kritzendorf, in der Nähe von Wien, aber es gibt auch eine Filiale am Karmelitermarkt, im zweiten Bezirk.
Textil Müller ist kein normales Stoffgeschäft, eher so was wie der SecondHandLaden der Stoffgeschäfte. Es ist auch immer etwas chaotisch und unvorhersehbar, etwas bestimmtes dort zu finden ist recht schwierig, aber man findet immer etwas, das man vielleicht nicht erwartet hatte. Großartig sind die günstigen Preise und es gibt etliches an Zubehör, z.B. Zips oder Knöpfe.

Das Hauptgeschäft in Kritzendorf ist auch auf jeden Fall ein Besuch wert, einfach weils ein kleines Abenteuer ist/ sein kann.

Also, viel Spaß beim Wühlen,


 Textil Müller


View Krummbaumgasse 12 in a larger map

MMM13 last days

so this was MMM13

i can't believe it's nearly June again! where did may go? and what about MeMadeMay?

My self set challenge - to wear something selfmade 4 days/week did not work out all that great. It turns out i do have a lot of knit items, but not so many garments. And if its warm in Vienna - as it should be in May, handknits often are too warm. The last couple of weeks it has been cold again, autumn like, and it turns out most of my selfmade garments are skirts...
Bottom line, my memade wardrobe needs to be enlarged!

Therefore i will keep trying to incorporate selfmade items into my wardrobe on a more regular basis and also will post here every now and then about it!


day 29

day 29 - my clapotis

voila, my Clapotis, made out of 2 full skeins of Zauberwolle! i remember knitting something like forever (actually only a month or so) on this skein and using a gadzillion of stitchmarkers to keep track of the dropped stitches...

But at the end it is a great scarf/shawl for spring and autumn! oh, and the pattern, by Kate Gilbert, was published in Knitty and is free!


day 30

day 30to honor my first memademay, i decided today to try on a very old selfmade item - corduroy pants. i had a favorite pair of pants and when they finally were worn out, i took them apart and traced the pieces and made myself a new pair. unfortunately it has been several years now and i am not sure about the fit anymore... i probably should just donate them to charity aka humana, but that also seems somehow strange... maybe i should try and let them out a bit - in true mend and make do spirit...

oh, and also starring in this pic are superold handknit socks - they are just great to wear around the house on such a rainy and sad day...

so, this was it, bye bye may,
i am looking forward to next year's MeMadeMay project!

cheers, kat

MMM13 - day 26&27

the end is nigh...

day 26 - back to the standards, the breezy cardigan (pattern by Hannah Fettig)

kat's breezy cardigan

day 27 -  the lacy summer sweater

Kat's lacy summersweaterThis was one of my first successful handknit sweaters (there were some horrendously ugly trials before that) and it still is from my pre-ravelry days. Remember?

In my case this sweater is from 2007 maybe 2008. The pattern is vintage, if you want to call a pattern book from 1981 vintage.

the bookit is full of different patterns, knitting, crochet, embroidery, for all ages and sizes, it even includes bikinis (yes, more than one pattern for a bikini!) and babybibs. the patterns are still not uploaded to the Ravelry pattern database, maybe i should at least add my sweater there - for the fun of it.


Yesterday also was spent with tracing a pattern, cutting and sewing it, but time was too short and the nearly finished skirt still needs hemming. more on the skirt once the hemming is done and i can take good pics!

now, if the weather could finally get back to be summery, i could actually wear my other selfmade skirts!

cheers, kat

MMM13 - day 25

what?! day 25?!

what happened? where are my creative, stunning, self-made outfits for the last week?

well, unfortunately i got distracted by work. that happens every now and then. and then weather is going crazy here in Vienna, it barely reaches temperatures above 10°C and i feel like taking my winter handknits out of deep summer-storage again!

but, hej, i got to wear my hitchhiker scarf again - and i finally got some new shoes!

...and yes, we do have a yellow floor at the office where i work! isn't it a great background for this image?

allright, and now i will pick a sewing pattern to sew up something nice tomorrow!

cheers, kat!

day 17&18

the sweaterdress

just a short post before i add a second post more in detail on the sweaterdress.

Yes, my knitsibs from Vienna and I went to Pfaffenhofen, close to Munich in Germany to go to the Wollmeise store there to buy yarn. it was wonderful!

Heather and i had our picture taken in front of the store to celebrate Me Made May there together!

here is the link to Heather's pic of us!

...more to be posted later!
have a nice and sunny sunday!


second week MMM13

short update on Me-Made-May 13

I have been sick most of the week, no going to work or donning clever self-made outfits. I have been lounging in various handknit items though - nothing better than handknit socks to make you feel better!

i did manage to catch a couple of breaths at the fresh air and have some outfits to share from before i got sick!

mystery day 1 from last week,

sporting a breezy cardigan, pattern by Hannah Fettig. a very comfy and cool cardigan, but be warned, this is knit with lace weight yarn on 4.5mm needles - it does take some time and patience to finish! i do love it totally!

mysteryday 2 from last week,

sporting no.2 drape pants from Drape, Drape by Hisako Sato. This is a very fascinating book, full of patterns utilising the drape of - mainly knit - fabrics and by folding and draping them to get interesting draping garments. i made the no.2 drape pants - still a rather simple garment - and totally love them! they are extremely comfy and still look classy enough to wear them to work!

after getting this book and realising it is mainly about knitfabrics i enrolled in the craftsyclass "sewing with knits" by Meg McElwee. This is a very nice way to get started with sewing knits, Meg McElwee gives you a lot of tips on what to pay attention to, what kind of supplies are important etc.

so that was my, not very successful, MMM13- week 2, now off to bed again and back to drinking masses of tea and hoping that this terrible cold finally passes!

cheers, kat


day 7 - the first week of MMM13

Day 7, aka Tuesday

allright, first week of Me-Made-May13 is over now.

First my solution for this day; i took out the lovely Wispy Cardigan, again a hand-knit, pattern by Hannah Fettig. And here is the link to my Ravelry project page, i used a rather thin merino from Wedermann and i think it took forever to finish knitting it up, it is a wonderful fabric and although its very thin it keeps quite warm.

Its always a bit of a challenge to me to style this cardigan with my outfit, but i think it works quite well with the shirt and pants - the classic use for it -of course- is styled to a summerdress.

To sum up my first week of Me-Made-May'13:

i managed to wear something selfmade 6 days out of 7, although at the moment my range is rather limited - i used my hand-knit items (although i do have selfmade sewn garments too) and mostly i love to wear my handknit shawls.

My personal challenge will be to broaden the spectrum of selfmade items and to incorporate them better with my transportational choices (aka riding the bike to work every day).

Me-Made-May 13

Ja, ich will dieses Jahr beim Me-Made-May 13 mitmachen!

Die Regeln? Ganz einfach, es geht darum die selbstgemachten Kleidungsstücke auch zu verwenden, was, wann und wie oft kann man sich selbst aussuchen.

Hier ist So, Zo... What do you know - blog, wo alle info's stehen.

Meine "Challenge" wird sein an 4 Tagen in der Woche etwas selbstgemachtes zu tragen/verwenden.

Und darüber werd ich hier regelmäßig berichten!

Laßt euch überraschen!

lg, kat



Me-Made-May 13

yes, i want to take part in this, its super simple, just use something you made yourself during the month of may.

my pledge is to use a selfmade item at least on 4 days each week.

on this blog here i will report my successes or failures!

lets see how that will work out,

cheers, kat